I knew I didn't belong here.
Motto of the minute (or so): Oh no! I've gone mad with power! -Lola Beans
![]() ![]() ![]() Labels: Darth, FO, Leia Costume, Lola, masochistic glory, Tank |
Google "Sarah needs" in quotes and this is what you get. Try it with your own name, it's fun. Sarah needs to feel peaceful, and also to feel equal to (or better than) everyone else. Ha! Ain't that the truth! Sarah Needs to Vent. And she does, endlessly. Sarah needs a team of committed people to pray for her and her ministry. Yeah, uh, you do that. Sarah needs no explanation. And she won't give one! Sarah needs to lighten up. That's what my husband would say. Sarah needs to be an only dog and probably no small children. Wait, what? Sarah needs Nat and her computing skills to survive and find whatever she needs to keep ahead of her faceless pursuers. I'm being persued? Oh no! Sarah needs to figure out what happened in her house before her family moved there. And now I'm haunted too? Sarah needs cheerleading. I do NOT! Sarah needs to have a stake put through her heart. Only if you catch me cheerleading. Sarah needs more risk in her life. I'm already being persued, what more do you want? Sarah needs to use her voice a little more. HA! Sarah needs to come to grip with the fact that she's not a very attractive person. Hey! Sarah needs more cash, cuz killing terrorists is expensive work. Shh, don't let my secret out! Sarah needs to be put away to keep other people safe from her. Yeah, like terrorists. Sarah needs to tear down the walls she’s built up between herself and God and to open her eyes to the Lord’s relentless pursuit of her. So, God is persuing me? Wow, he's gonna be hard to get away from. I get how my persuers are faceless now but how many gods are after me? Crap, a whole pantheon? What did I do? Oh yeah, the terrorists. I thought I was doing good! Don't hold it against me! Sarah needs to talk to you about another one of your inventions. Which invention? Why do I need to talk about it? Is it cool? Does it suck? Will it help me kill terrorists or get away from The Pantheon? Sarah needs a series of videos devoted entirely to her. I have a feeling this was probably dirty. Sarah needs a special talisman to defeat the Silver Wraith. And the terrorists. And the pantheon of gods that persue me facelessly and relentlessly. This was hard because I kept getting other peoples lists from their blogs. After much time and considerable effort I have put together a list I believe is truly original. Until tommorrow when some other Sarah doesn't check her work and includes all my stuff in her list. Oh well. Labels: meme |
Here's the game -Do a Google image search of the following and post the first (or favorite) result for each: *The name of the town where you were born- San Diego (first image) *The name of the town where you live now- San Diego (Third image, for some reason it's "Portland's favorite man in a dress") *Your name- Sarah Sisson (maiden name) yeilded the best image *Your grandmother's name- Sally *Your favorite food- Mexican food (this one's great, I have NO idea how it came up in the search) *Your favorite drink- Coke *Your favorite song- I don't know so I searched "I don't know" *Your favorite smell- Mmmmmm Labels: meme |
![]() The Leia dress is all but finnished and relativley without incident. The first one was too smal so I just threw it on top of the remaining fabric and cut around it. All that's left to do on it is the hood and the belt. I'm not sure how to do the belt so I'll probably do it at the last minute and it will look terrible. I added leather soles to the boots. Lola Beans is wearing them now since it's cold out. The Weather It was raining so hard a little while ago that you couldn't see across the street. Weird. The Dentist ![]() When I went in yesterday he told me that what is causing my pain is one of ther following things: a) The tooth he put a major filling in really needs a root canal, this was always a possibility or b) My TMJ has been aggrivated by all the dental work (holding my mouth open super wide for so long, and then clenched tightly closed when I sleep) or c) A combination of a and b Delightful. The solution to this is to either have a root canal or get an orthotic and see if either of those help. So I get to go have a(nother) root canal today because I'll get instant results with that. Then we can talk price on an orthotic. I cannot afford this. Literally, I can't. I may have to pull my son out of preschool because his tuition is exactly the amount that the monthly dental bill is going to be after the root canal today. ![]() I have started a Bubby for Darth for his birthday out of the leftover Andean Treasure from the Leia hat. I have made little or no progress on Wavy. I pulled Elizabeth I off the needles. I put the Garish Sock on stitch holders so I could use my size 3s for Bubby. I will be starting some felted boots for Darth for his birthday. He requested red ones. It gets mighty cold here when you can't afford to turn on the heat so I'm happy to oblige him. Labels: Leia Costume, Lola |
![]() I hate sewing. ![]() I'm alternately wistful and bitterly jealous. Especially when the first thing Red Todd Kidd asks whenever I start any project that isn't knitted is: "Did you call Kaylee?" Regardless of how valid a question it is or how poor my sewing skills are or how much I hate sewing it still bugs me that he thinks I can't do anything without her help. So what if it's totally true! He shouldn't know it and he certainly shouldn't say it! What a jerk. ![]() Sigh. I wish Kaylee was here... Labels: futile aspirations, I hate sewing, Kaylee, Leia Costume, Lola, masochistic glory |
Yeah, that's what I probably sounded like yesterday. I wouldn't know though because I can't remember. I had all my dental work done under sedation, hence my blogging absence. It was nice to not mentally be at my dental appointment. I'm basically done with dental hell. I think I still need one more filling replaced, my crown put on, and a cleaning but that's all easy stuff. The wisdom teeth are out and gone and almost all the fillings are done. Hurts like hell today, though. I'm subsisting on cans of Slim fast until it doesn't hurt to chew. I really want some solid food. As for my projects: I have (temporarily?) given up on Elizabeth I. While I decide what to do I'm knitting up some white boots for Lorelei's Princess Leia costume. I realized I had some feltable white yarn and plenty of shoe leather sitting around. How far gone are you when it's easier to make shoes than buy them? Don't answer that. I'm also working on some Holiday SP buttons. I think I've got something special for everyone. Very different. |
![]() Deep breath. ![]() I've finished the buns as well. I braided the yarn instead of doing I-cord like someone had suggested. Cutting that many lengths of yarn was almost as much work as the I-cord but I managed. I constructed the buns like a braided rug so I could make sure they'd stay together. All that's left is to put them on the hat. That may prove to be the most difficult task as I have to figure out how they need to be positioned which requires putting the hat on the baby and messing with it. She doesn't like when you mess with her head. ![]() ![]() As you can see from the pictures I finished the hat before I finished this post. Red Todd Kidd took over the computer last night so I just saved this as a draft. As soon as I finished the hat this afternoon I knew I HAD to get the pictures up. TOO CUTE! I'm so proud of this project! Yea me! Labels: Alpaca, Leia Costume, Lola, Star Wars |
![]() Uh, I got my knitpicks order. Pictures later. I'm too busy touching the Aaaaaaalpaaaaaacaaaaaaaaaaaaaa. ![]() Okay, as you can see I got the pictures up. That's three balls of Alpaca Cloud in Moss, Iris, and Autumn with the pattern for Elizabeth I. The pic up at the top is the Alpaca Cloud with the four balls of Andean Treasure in Woods for Miss Lola Beans' Princess Leia hat. I hope it's cold on Halloween because that sucker is gonna be WARM. Mmmmmmmmm alpaca. Labels: Alpaca |
Four Truths and a Lie: 1)I live across the street from a well known fine artist. Indeed I do. I live across the street from William Glen Crooks. He lives next door to the guy we think is selling drugs. 2) I stole a cow from someone's yard. Hey, I never said it was a real cow. It was a tacky lawn ornament. I hid it in the garage for several months and then we put it in their neighbor's yard. They were baffled. 3) I gave the lead guitarist from Foreigner a bloody nose. True again. I was walking out of a radio station with a friend who had just been on the radio and he was walking in. I nailed him with the door. The whole situation was made more humorous by the fact that I had no idea who he was until we heard him talking about it on the radio about 10-15 minutes later. 4) In my younger days, I appeared in a "Hot Girls with Guns" calendar. This one's the lie! 5) I have met all of the surviving members of The Doors. The San Diego Rep did a production called Celebration of the Lizard many years back that featured poetry by Jim Morrison and music by The Doors. All the remaining members attended on opening night and I met them. My friend's mom hit on Ray Manzerick right in front of his wife. It was pretty funny. Knottyknitpicks is the winner! Labels: meme |
![]() The downer in this project is that I can't afford the yarn for them, I really can't afford any non-Christmas gift yarn at all which is why all my new projects over there are Christmas gifts. But those awesome knittyheads with senses of humor as dark as mine heard my plea and are sending me their extra balls of Glitterspun, Magic Stripes, and even some Fun Fur for trim. What that means is that these things are going to be about a thousand colors and trimmed at the thighs (and possibly the straps) with Fun Fur, and you thought they couldn't get any uglier. You were wrong. So very wrong. ![]() Yes, that's right I'm doing this because I know that then I will win the ongoing gag gift competition between myself and said relatives. Previous gifts have included a Learn to do the Macerena video, a candle in the shape of a shriner monkey, a t-shirt beset with bows and a scrawled with a magic marker stating, "My favorite relative gave me this shirt." ![]() So anyway, I'm going to make the Overalls of Shame. It's going to be awesome. Labels: Hawkeye, Irie, Overalls of Shame, Shaniqua |
![]() We did have a very nice weekend, obviously since I haven't blogged Since the dreaded Thursday of Doom. We went to see Serenity on Sunday. Don't worry no spoilers here. I won't say a word about the actual movie. All I'll say about the experience was that I have never been so caught up in anything fictional. No book, movie, story, RPG, or TV show has ever sucked me in like Firefly. I really felt like I knew the characters. I loved the series and the movie simply carries on, as it should. It is excellent and painful and I can't wait to see where it goes from here. I'm making good progress on Wavy. I've made it through three pattern repeats and I'm happy with that. I admit that I'm racing against my knitpicks order since the instant I have new yarn I have to cast on with it. A new yarn AND a new pattern? Over, I won't get back to Wavy for a good long time so I need to hustle. Poor Garish Socks hanging in limbo over there, I'll never finish those things. Sigh. Okay, I've got knitting to do! Labels: Wavy |