Wednesday, October 12, 2005


Yeah, that's what I probably sounded like yesterday. I wouldn't know though because I can't remember. I had all my dental work done under sedation, hence my blogging absence. It was nice to not mentally be at my dental appointment.

I'm basically done with dental hell. I think I still need one more filling replaced, my crown put on, and a cleaning but that's all easy stuff. The wisdom teeth are out and gone and almost all the fillings are done. Hurts like hell today, though. I'm subsisting on cans of Slim fast until it doesn't hurt to chew. I really want some solid food.

As for my projects: I have (temporarily?) given up on Elizabeth I. While I decide what to do I'm knitting up some white boots for Lorelei's Princess Leia costume. I realized I had some feltable white yarn and plenty of shoe leather sitting around. How far gone are you when it's easier to make shoes than buy them? Don't answer that. I'm also working on some Holiday SP buttons. I think I've got something special for everyone. Very different.

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