Want to link to me? Take my button!

Stuff I'm working on
- Wavy
- Tangled Yoke Cardigan
- A sewing project
- Twinkletoes
- Calorimetry
- Calorimetry Again
- Veste Everest
- Auspicious Coincidences
- St. Peter Port Stripes Socks
- My So Called Scarf
- Dashing
- Harry Potter Scarf
- Unbiased
- Socks FOR Entrelac
NOT Socks IN Entrelac
Baby Set
Stuff I finished in 2008
Stuff I finished in 2007
These are the blogs I know, I know. These are the blogs I know.
- Old Lady Pen Pal (rides again)
- Cakeyvoice
- GlittyKnittyKitty
- Indigo Mouse
- Katydid Knits by Trillian42
- Knit with snot for you
- Mag's Ham Bun
- More Than One Way to Knit a Hat
- Siress Yorkie
- Wonkyknit
Bitchin' buttonless bloggers
The circle of blogs
About Me
- Name: DomesticOverlord
- Location: San Diego, California, United States
I am always myself, usually enraged, sometimes witty, occasionally charming, and never ever humble.
My kids insist on eating
Wasting my life at


For real this time
Stuff I said recently
- "Sarah needs"
- New blog game, thought I'd give it a spin.
- Updates.
- Help me Obi Wan Kenobi, you're my only hope!
- Holiday SP Buttons
- Mbfmf
- Deep Breath
- Alpaca
- I'm it again.
- Overalls of Shame and Cemetary Hopping
Comments on "Possibly the saddest Bubby ever."
I think he looks quite nice in that sweter! Don't worry, your son will love it no matter what.
I think he looks cute in his sweater. I had the same problem with the head part too anyway ;)
Aww...I think he's cute. But I love toys that aren't perfect (like the Island of Misfit Toys).
BTW, I am determined to dig out the fun fur this weekend to send to you.
Have you SEEN the Bubby on my blog?