Two whole knit projects DONE! As my four year old would say, "BOOYAH!"
We've been VERY busy. Last week I had two knit projects to finish (and start) but also we had out of town guests (guess who the projects were for). I have TONS of pictures to share so I'm going to have to spread it out since blogger takes forever to load pictures. Today I shall give you the Saga of the Alien.
So I decided to make a Kate for Tonka and Cathrine the Great's little boy but I didn't want it to be girly so I decided not to do the stripes, I'd just make it blue. Also, I didn't have any safety eyes so I had to just embroider a face (if you can call it that). Lastly the blue yarn I had wasn't worsted weight it was dk so I went down a needle size and hoped.
As it turned out, Kate didn't end up Kate. What I ended up with looked more like a little alien so that's what I made him. Antenna instead of ears. But my poor little alien had another problem, his skin was see through! You could see his stuffing! Now that wouldn't do at all, so I decided to help him by taking him to a special alien skin fortifying clinic called My Kitchen where he could be fixed.
First my little alien friend had to be fitted to the proper sized treatment tub. After several tries we found the perfect one just for him (an ex-potato pan). And he seemed pretty excited about starting his treatment, well that is until he realized that we were going to fillthat treatment tub with boiling water and a bit of woolwash (just a bit to kill any alien diseases he might be carrying). He wasn't to sure about that (the hot tub not the disease control).
Our little friend was brave though and soon hopped right into the tub where he discovered that hot tubs are fun! He was happy to hang out in there for a few minutes while I went to go get him a medicinal margarita. True that at that time of the day he should have had some other medicinal "m" product...
 Ahem, anyway. He had to spend quite some time in that hot tub and I think he fell asleep in there. Good thing he doesn't need to breathe because he slipped right under the water and took a nap! Or he may have passed out from his medicinal margaritas... Uh, are aliens supposed to drink tequila? Oh well, too late now.
After awhile it was time for step two of the treatment: a quick rinse so that he was cool enough for his human helpers to move him with their hands instead of tongs which, by the way, are not the best way to move heavy, wet, boiling-hot wool aliens. Human handlers should instead proceed to the sink with the tub in hand and dump the whole thing into the sink without ever attempting to manipulate the alien as they will have plenty of oppertunity to do so after he's cooled to a point where he will not scald you. Perhaps this human should have read the handbook. Oh well, next time.
So, quick shower to rinse out the disinfectant (Kookaburra Wool Wash), to cool him back down, and sober up the little drunken lout. Just look at him! What a sloppy, sloppy drunk. Lying there all passed out in the sauna (uh, scroll back up a sec, see drunk as a skunk), limp as a rag doll. Tsk-tsk. Can't hold his liquor at all, that one.
And on to the next, and final, phase of treatment: the sauna. Now this treatment facility has a very state of the art Kenmore sauna with a tumble or no tumble option. Since this little guy had opted not to have a fuzzy coat, we chose the tumble-free option and he sat very happily in there for a good two to three hours. Woolly (woolley? wooley? Seems like there should be an 'e'. Eh, I'm to lazy to look it up some one will comment about it, I'm sure) aliens take a LONG time to dry! But it was all worth it in the long run because his skin was beautiful when we were all done. Nice and tight and firm but no felting in sight! Congratulations little alien friend, you are a translucent freak no longer.
 Labels: entertainment value, FO, Kate, Tonka |