A bit cheerier, perhaps.
Yeah, some good stuff happened. My (large extended) family isn't drawing names for a Christmas gift exchange this year. That really helps us out considering how broke we are. One of my cousins, Hawkeye, was sorely disapointed about it so we've decided to do a mini Secret Santa between the girl cousins. There are only five of us so I'm not sure how secret it will be. The rules are (because we're all broke): 1) You have to make your gift. 2) You have to use either things you already have or spend no more than $10. You know what this means don't you, oh faithful 3 readers or so? Overalls of Shame. The time has come. It has been ordained. Other good stuff that happened this weekend: -Went out with friends on Saturday night (best part was when we got lost). All in all it was probably one of the worst night out ever but since it was still out, I'm not going to complain (much). -Saw Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire. We even got a 15 minute intermission when the power went out. Delightful. But the movie was good, I got to see some good close ups to the scarf (I'd alter the pattern if I ever had to make another), and again I was out of the house. ![]() Hard to be bitchy with all that great stuff starin' at me. Okay, I'm off to finish Wavy so I can start on the Overalls of Shame. I have vowed to finish Wavy first. My sister has kindly agreed to let me put off the Harry Potter scarf until all my Christmas knitting is done, I think because she wants to see those overalls just as badly as you all do. EDIT: Oh yeah, the card my SP sent with the monkey on it. On the outside it says: "Know what day it is?" and inside it says: "Neither do I." In case anyone was wondering. Labels: cousins, Harry Potter Scarf, Hawkeye, I hate crochet, Overalls of Shame, Shaniqua |
Comments on "A bit cheerier, perhaps."
dang, woman, you scored! props to your SP! quite a detective, that person is. good stuff, good stuff.
i am living off of halloween m&m's. life is good.
there's a variety of hot chocolate that's served in borders cafe's. i'm not sure if they're all the same, but the one i had was basically a gourmet chocolate bar ground finely and mixed with steamed milk. can you say "HEAVEN"!?!?!
peppermint hot chocolate from williams sonoma is pretty good, too.
thanks for all the comments, btw. :)
omg, wasn't the harry potter movie awesome!!? i didn't care for cho, though. i thought the introduction of the whole love interest thing didn't quite flow with the story. kinda like she just got stuck in there, you know? or maybe it's just because her face reminded me of my older brother's gf, who i really don't care for.
can't wait to see the overalls of shame!
Whoo hoo, aren't great SPs the..well, greatest?
I cried laughing when I saw you were doing the Overalls of Shame, that made my week. Can't wait to see them done.
Huge thank you for putting my button on your blog!