Wednesday, October 04, 2006

The things I do for laughs

I started an homage to Bezzie because she rules. And because I thought it'd be fun to see everyone in rollers. Of course I had to do it to and since I couldn't seem to buy any curlers I used rag rollers. Since I was using the most ghetto of all styling tools, I decided I should round out the look with trailer park make-up. And now for your viewing pleasure, goofy pictures of me in rag rollers and bad make-up.

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Comments on "The things I do for laughs"


Blogger MadDog Knitting said ... (10/04/2006 2:47 PM) : 

smoooooch. ya look loverly sweetie pie


Blogger Bezzie said ... (10/04/2006 4:20 PM) : 

Ha ha ha ha!!! White trash power!!!



Blogger Rain said ... (10/05/2006 3:00 AM) : 

Mwahaha! You rock. Love the new look, think you should keep it for when you pick the kids up from school.

Hope you get things sorted for a new home.


Blogger Zonda said ... (10/05/2006 7:25 AM) : 

:) You are so cute!!


Blogger cpurl17 said ... (10/05/2006 8:54 PM) : 

I think you look cute too!


Blogger Jillio said ... (10/05/2006 9:38 PM) : 

epitome of sexy, eh? cupcake, you need to bust out the blue eyeshadow and soda-can size rollers if you wanna reach the upper echelons of sexiness. though i will admit, you do look all that plus a bag of chips in these pics :) *muah* dahling! hehe.

btw, i need your rankings for the model your socks contest by saturday. basically, rank all the entries by how well you think they represent the category they represent. a'ight? questions? holla at me ;)


Blogger roxy =^o^= said ... (10/09/2006 7:41 AM) : 

Sex-ay ;)



Blogger OLPP said ... (10/09/2006 6:33 PM) : 

You're too sexy for this blog! Too sexy for this blog...

Want to borrow my flame thrower?


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