In the intrest of comparison...
I'm posting it that it might be compared to the scores of others. I find this really amusing for some reason. My Personality
Motto of the minute (or so): Oh no! I've gone mad with power! -Lola Beans
I'm posting it that it might be compared to the scores of others. I find this really amusing for some reason. My Personality
Comments on "In the intrest of comparison..."
i scored thus:
neuroticism: 54
extraversion: 83
opennes: 60
agreeableness: 7
conscientiousness: 40
apparently, i am sociable, outgoing, energetic, and lively. i prefer to be around people much of the time. stressful and frustration situations can often upset me, but i am sometimes able to get over these feelings and cope with these situations. a desire for tradition doesn't prevent me from trying new things. my thinking is neither simple nor complex; to others, i appear to be a well-educated person but not an intellectual (and how). people see me as tough, critical, and uncompromising and i have less concern with others' needs than with my own. i am reasonably reliable, organized, and self-controlled.
overall impression: aaaaaalrighty then.
p.s. i was wondering what happened to you. hope y'all are doin' okay :)
Neuroticism - 40
Extraversion - 98
Openness - 60
Agreeableness - 0
Conscientiousness - 61
Mwahaha! I think it's trying to tell me I'm a bitch.