Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Problem solved

They invented this thing called "talking" and that combined with this concept called "compromise" seems like it's going to do the trick. Who knew?


Comments on "Problem solved"


Blogger cpurl17 said ... (7/18/2006 10:46 AM) : 

Ah, I think you've discoverd the key to a successful partnership! Well done!


Blogger Jerry & Maxy said ... (7/18/2006 5:36 PM) : 

Yeah you! Compromise, how mature.


Blogger Rain said ... (7/19/2006 3:50 AM) : 

Good for you! And you get to keep the hairdo.


Blogger Penny Karma, aka the F-Bomb Mom said ... (7/19/2006 5:19 AM) : 

Booooo!!! You candyass!! Compromise is for wussies!

I keed.
I keed because I love.


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