Monday, June 19, 2006

That trollup, Rain!

Several months ago I asked Rain to do me a favor and send some stuff to my SP who loved British "food" which she did. In return I sent her some yarn from Knit Picks. Just a trifling of stuff since the international postage boxes are pretty small. Friday afternoon I get the mail and find a package. A package absolutely stuffed with candy, stickers, trinkets for the kids, yarn, and a fantastic handbag made especially for me by one of the busiest knitters on the planet. What a bitch! How dare she send me an adorable bag, more yarn, and other assorted nifty things! I may indeed beat her with a toilet brush as she suggested in her note. I have the distinct impression she may have just started a gift war that will cause me no end of internaitional postage issues. In other words, thanks Rain, we loved it!The kids had an absolute blast with the punching ballons and used the stickers to decorate Father's Day cards for Red Todd Kidd. We haven't gotten to the candy yet but we will. Oh, we will. We had to put it in the fridge because I could tell it was melted and then I forgot about it until just now. Okay, it's mostly gone now. Yum. Cadbury...

Ahem. Anyway, I carried my new little handbag all weekend. The very first place it got to go was to my sister and cousin's graduation. They both graduated from college (University of Phoenix, no not in Arizona, a private college with lots of locations) this weekend and were very excited. My sister is one of about three people ever to go to our local comunity college and eventually get a degree. Way to go!

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Comments on "That trollup, Rain!"


Blogger Rain said ... (6/19/2006 4:28 PM) : 

A huge congratulations to your sister and cousin. Well done them.

Glad it got to you ok. Clever me sending chocolate to California in this weather...ooops!

I'll just take a virtual toilet brush beating and leave it at that. You musn't start a package war or I'll have to open a whole can of whoop-ass and mail myself in a big cake to your doorstep.


Blogger Pinkwool said ... (6/19/2006 5:32 PM) : 

I love the bag! How awesome is Rain!! How she gets FO's cranked out in such speedy time is beyond me but I have a feeling gnomes are involved.

Congrats to your sis and cousin!!


Blogger DomesticOverlord said ... (6/19/2006 5:45 PM) : 

Really Rain? A cake AND a visit? Hmm...


Blogger Ali said ... (6/19/2006 6:10 PM) : 

Good grief, how cool is that bag? Rain is so sweet. I'm glad one of us from Knitty is treating you well :)

Hey, I didn't do too awfully bad on your quiz.


Blogger Rain said ... (6/20/2006 3:21 PM) : 

Er...did I forget to mention I'd jump out of the cake dressed as Dora the Explorer?


Blogger turtlegirl76 said ... (6/21/2006 11:43 AM) : 

Oh how awesome is that? Rain, that was awesome of you. Our dear DO needs a treat! Good timing what with her last post.


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (6/22/2006 6:36 AM) : 

That bag is spectacular! I'm in favor of pampering dear DO... we should all be sending you goodies.


Blogger soapy said ... (6/22/2006 6:17 PM) : 

what awesome goodies! Nice bag too from Rain!!!! Congrats to the GRADS!


Blogger Zonda said ... (6/22/2006 9:38 PM) : 

Cool Bag there DO...Rain is awesome..but you knew that LOL!


Blogger Bad Amy said ... (6/23/2006 8:02 AM) : 

Ooooh! Rain can send parcels for you anytime! Thank you to both y'all!


Blogger Jerry & Maxy said ... (6/24/2006 7:52 AM) : 

That is one AWESOME bag. High fives, Rain. Lucky, DO!


Blogger veritas said ... (6/27/2006 12:30 AM) : 

::screeches with joy :::

you write the Best babysitters club poetry! lane! who can forget lane and King. and he called her babe!

my personal belief is that mary-anne would be a lesbian one day. and claudia bisexual. and dawn would end up happily pregnant at 16.


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