Tuesday, May 30, 2006

TurtleGirl RULES!

Thanks to TurtleGirl going over my template code about a billion times, the bugs have finally been mostly worked out. She is awesome. I hereby declare May 30th TurtleGirl Appreciation Day! In her honor you must go to your template, copy the entire thing into a text document and update it whenever you change your template so that she never has to go through the aggravation I just put her through again.

Comments on "TurtleGirl RULES!"


Blogger Trillian42 said ... (5/30/2006 1:37 PM) : 

Yay! All hail The Great and Mighty Turtlegirl!


Blogger turtlegirl76 said ... (5/30/2006 7:09 PM) : 

Bow down! Mwah ha ha ha ha!

I'm just glad you finally got the 3 column template you wanted for the past oh, 6 months?


Blogger Bad Amy said ... (5/31/2006 4:03 AM) : 

Fabuloso! Congatulations! Welcome back!
Now I know how to backup my template, but I still stink at doing any super fancy formating of said template. Patience, grazhoppah.


Blogger Rain said ... (5/31/2006 10:50 AM) : 

Ooooooooo check you with the three columns. It's looking good.

TG does indeed rock.


Blogger Bezzie said ... (5/31/2006 12:42 PM) : 

Hooray for Turtlegirl!!!

I like the new template--I'm enjoying snarking right now.


Blogger LadyLungDoc said ... (6/01/2006 9:09 PM) : 

Ohhhhh... so that's how you backup your template, eh?


Blogger Jillio said ... (6/02/2006 12:48 PM) : 

wow! like...wow! i like how you modified your page so you have a right AND a left sidebar thing going on. nice!
*snark snark* ahahahahahahah!!
that's a fun word.


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