Monday, October 16, 2006

Why photo recognition software MUST be wrong.

After the delightfully white trash wannabe Bezzie photos I took of myself, I took my hair down. Darth asked if he could take my picture. I thought it might be funny so I let him. Little did I know that it would be this funny. I ran it through a celebrity look alike photo recognition thing. I think some of these people would be miffed at the comparison, I however, think it's hilarious.

By the way, if you hold your mouse over the celebrity photos you can read my comments about each selection.

MyHeritage Celebrity Look-alikes

Comments on "Why photo recognition software MUST be wrong."


Blogger cpurl17 said ... (10/16/2006 12:32 PM) : 

Johnny Depp, hubba. No wonder I have a blog crush on you.


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (10/16/2006 7:10 PM) : 

At least they are all good looking!


Blogger Bezzie said ... (10/16/2006 8:59 PM) : 

Wait, wasn't Denise Richards a bond girl with Pierce Brosnan. Wow. That's weird. Christmas does come more than once a year.


Blogger Rain said ... (10/17/2006 6:32 AM) : 

Yours are really cool. Mine would tell me I was a cross between Miss Piggy and a Fraggle.


Blogger Charles said ... (10/19/2006 7:27 PM) : 

JoHnny Deep? OH MY GOD~~~


Blogger Jessica said ... (10/24/2006 3:08 PM) : 

hehe. I see the Ava Gardner more than anything! :) Hey, maybe you could pass yourself off as JOhnny Depp's sister...get some free stuff... ;)


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