I've finished the first leg of the Overalls of Shame. I know it doesn't look like a whole leg but remember, they're hot pants. It's taking me longer than I expected because it's been FREAKING FREEZING in my house. I had to get metal needles for this project because they were out of Clovers in size 10 at the Michael's I dragged RTK (Red Todd Kidd) to and I wasn't about to suggest going to a second Michael's the day after Thanksgiving. So one pair of red Boye needles and one pair of shiny silver Susan Bates. I've discovered I like the SB needles, the cords are excellent. I just wish they didn't suck all the heat from my hands and make me feel as though they're made ice and that my hands will never again find warmth but like I said, the cords are nice.
And now I have two links for you that are almost as crazy as the Overalls. This one is to an article I accidentally found yesterday, nevermind why, you have to read through the first page AND the second page. The first page orients you to what it's about and the second page will crack you up. I almost stopped reading before the second page but later I was curious and went back and it was totally worth it. I was laughing out loud. You can find the article here: Historically Significant Tampons. And in case you miss the link in the article, the link to the site of the guy being interviewed (yep, it's a guy) is here: The Museum of Menstruation. Seriously it's funny.Labels: Overalls of Shame |
Comments on "A first glimpse at Shame"
tee hee hee.... :)
They rock! Shame on you for knitting something so shameful! ;)
Huge thanks for putting my button on your blog.