I know, I'm neglecting the blog. I'm sorry.
But I can't seem to get anything done lately. Tuesday was awesome, though. I went to the grocery store AND the laundromat plus I reorganized the kitchen cabinets so you could actually insert or remove an item without causing a catastrophe as boxes and bags of foodstuffs cascaded upon you as you cried, "Why me!?"
But that was Tuesday.
Well, I suppose I get some props for yesterday, I went shopping with my fantastic MIL at the outlet mall and never lost my temper, came home and picked up, and then made Coq au Vin (from Anthony Bourdain's Les Halles Cookbook) for dinner.
Today I couldn't tell you what I've spent my whole day doing, really. All I know is that the only time I wasn't actively doing something was when I spent 10 minutes skimming through a BSG podcast, when I gave myself a cheapass spa pedicure (this can be done by sitting on your bathroom counter with your feet in the sink), and just now when I popped on to check email and whatnot.
The time flies, I tell you.
We are really enjoying the new place and I've been spending most of my time trying to make it look less like a werehouse and more like we live here.
I'm working on the Harry Potter Scarf and refuse to get out any other project until it's done. I loathe it but it's going much quicker now that I got my new KP Options needle set for my birthday. The shorter cord is the perfect length for the number of sts I'm working on so I could finally ditch the annoying two circ method.
So here's the living room. Please note the Harry Potter Scarf on the couch. This picture was taken over a week ago (I intended to blog, you see) and since then I've steam cleaned the couch, put up pictures, and put in a real lamp instead of the lava lamps.

This is the kitchen which despite looking very large has no decent sized cupboards or drawers. They're all oddly shaped.

This is my new nephew, the one who got the colorful sweater.

Well, I'm off to clean more and possibly cook. I'm thinking leftover cassarole. If I live, I'll try to post something interesting tomorrow. Oh, what am I saying, my obit will be interesting.Labels: Harry Potter Scarf |