That Damn Christmas Meme
I give in. NAME: Princess Angelina Contessa Louisa Francesca Banana Fana Bo Besca III 1. Egg Nog or Hot Chocolate? Hot chocolate. I have a hot chocolate maker. I have my own recipe. I am a crazy. 2. Does Santa wrap presents or just sit them under the tree? Santa only brings things that fit inside a Christmas stocking. All the big presents come from Mom and Dad because no fictional fat man is taking credit for my work. But I'm not bitter. 3. Colored lights on tree/house or white? My Christmas decorations are in storage. I honestly don't recall what kind of lights are on the tree. I do know that we had the red and green only strands up in my living room, though. 4. Do you hang mistletoe? We have a fake mistle toe ball at my mom's house that no one is required to kiss under. At Red Todd Kidd's parents' house they hang mistletoe over the spot in the kitchen that gets the most traffic. I am not thrilled with this tradition. 5. When do you put your decorations up? I like to do it the first weekend of December. 6. What is your favorite holiday dish (excluding dessert)? RTK's family does pork tenderloin with biscuts and gravy. I like it. 7. Favorite Holiday memory as a child: The year the Christmas play at church had my cousin had to be a giant popcorn ball. That or the year that my sister's part in the play required an English accent and the best she could muster was Austrailian. I still remember her line, say it in your head like Crocodile Dundee if you can. "Hey ole chaps, this town is mine! Look, there's me house and me mum standin' outside. This is jolly old England, it is!" Stereotype city, I know, but I bet you're cracking up. 8. When and how did you learn the truth about Santa? When I was seven years old my mom married my step dad (in October). That year Santa labeled all my Christmas presents with the name Sarha instead of Sarah, just like Dad. 9. Do you open a gift on Christmas Eve? I don't think so. 10. How do you decorate your Christmas Tree? Uh, you take the decorations out of the boxes and put them on the tree, what are you? New or something? 11. Snow! Love it or Dread it? What is this snow you speak of? 12. Can you ice skate? Believe it or not I can. 13. Do you remember your favorite gift? Uh, is it really sad that I can't remember a favorite? The Nintendo back in '88? The Cabbage Patch Kid of '83? Perhaps the Lexie Barnes bag from last year? Honestly, I can't pick out something that just made me swoon. 14. What's the most important thing about the Holidays for you? Cookies. 15. What is your favorite Holiday Dessert? See above. Or maybe fudge. I do like fudge. 16. What is your favorite holiday tradition? I suppose I could say the cookies again but really it's the horrible gift exchange that begat the Overalls of Shame and now the Velvet Painting Purse. 17. What tops your tree? I forgot what we have for our tree. Clearly it holds great sentimental value. Though, when my parents were first married they had this tree topper that wasn't anything. It was just a weird light up thing that sat on the top of the tree. It was hideous. When we moved in 1998, I found it and put it away in my things thinking it'd be funny to swap it out with the really nice angel Mom has now and just make her flip out. Last year, I finally got around to doing it. It was pretty funny since I hid the angel and then we left for Arizona for several days. ![]() ![]() 18. Which do you prefer giving or receiving? What kind of question is this? Get you mind out of the gutter, we're supposed to be talking about Christmas! 19. What is your favorite Christmas Song? I like The Carol of the Bells. It's fun to belt out O Holy Night when no one is around. 20. Candy Canes? Of course. You have to suck on them until you've sharpened them to a point so you can menace your siblings with a slobery, candy weapon. Labels: meme |
Comments on "That Damn Christmas Meme"
Even in my vicodin induced state of numbness, I cracked up at #18
As a BAV, I can't believe that #18 didn't cross my deprived mind!
Great post Sarha!
hehehe you did it!! Great post!
So... can we just call you Dot? Or Dottie? ;)
And I loved your answers. Too funny. :D
I'm so glad you got the refference but you should recall that Dot is acceptable but, "Call me Dottie and you die."
You crack me up.
Funny story about Cabbage Patch dolls - my sister's friend got one for christmas but there was something wrong with it so her Mum sent it back to the company. Rather than fix it or send a new one they sent her a death certificate. I love a company with a sense of humour.
That's so funny! Just this last Friday, I was yelling out 'O Holy Night' along with the radio while stuck in traffic. It was great!
Thanks for cracking me up! You go for not letting Santa take all the credit!
I should have named Beebie Sarha just so she could be pissed when people spell it Sarah.
My family and my grandparents had almost the exact same light-up thing as a tree topper. I think it's a "star", but it looks like something dreamed up on a strangely creative chemical trip.
Hee! THe only one so far that I read every answer too! And you know what - I found out about Santa the same way. Only it wasn't a step-dad. It was MY dad. He's always put an "h" in my name. Sometimes an "e" or a "y" on the end. Geez, Dad. It's C-R-I-S-T-I! Where were you when mom filled out the Birth Certificates?