Friday, January 27, 2006

OKay, I'm awful and I'm sorry. I know there was no story this week and I feel awful about it so here's what I'm going to do: next week there will be TWO installments. One on Tuesday and again on Thursday. AM I forgiven?

Also, I finished Satchel today. Pics coming on Monday!

Comments on ""


Blogger Chris said ... (1/27/2006 5:13 PM) : 

Ooooh, pictures. Waiting!


Blogger Zonda said ... (1/28/2006 2:11 AM) : 

Yeah...can't wait...Woohoo you did an FO, way to go ;)


Blogger Elly said ... (1/28/2006 5:03 AM) : 

Don't pressure yourself! We can wait :-) Good luck with it, I admire you for trying this!


Blogger SoberHope said ... (1/31/2006 10:35 AM) : 

Uh, yes, I have a dollar. Is that what your wisdom costs or is that the ping pong ball budget? I'm all ears/eyes/whatever. I'm ready. Will this make them explode in ball of fire? Because that would be cool as hell! But if it only disables their truck it'll be anticlimactic, but satisfaction from the end result would make up for it.


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