That's right, it's time. Here they are in all thier flabberghasticity. That's my new word.
And the back:
And a close up of the top:
Here's a detail of the buttons I used. Not good.
Here's a good shot of the back straps. Look at all that Bernat Disco.
A very bad ass indeed.
Now this is where I stopped caring about quality and, if you can believe it, how these things looked. Yep it's where I just tied the old ball of yarn tothe new ball and kept right on going. I just wanted to be DONE! Consequently most of the ends were knotted in some way rather than woven in. Forgive my crappy craftsmanship but I didn't actually want to look at these ugly things anymore. I'm only human!
Project Details: Pattern: Overall Shorts (#33) Knit.1 Spring 2005 Yarn: Lion Brand Magic Stripes in Denim Stripe, Bernat Disco in some sort of awful brown, an unlabeled orange fur yarn, and Lion Brand Fun Fur in I lost the ball band so let's call it Bright Fucking Yellow. Notes: Even without trying this pattern is a disaster but when you are trying, lordy, lordy.Labels: FO, fug, Overalls of Shame |
Comments on "The moment you've all been waiting for."
Sad to see that Bernat Disco has been degraded even further than with Monkee's Hedgehogs.
I think each of the subatomic particles that unite to compose my physical form just contracted simultaneously. Ow.
How hideously wonderful!!! I don't know if the recipient will laugh or cry - quite possibly both. Love it!!!
Oh. My. Word.
They are marvellous!
You are my hero! I love you, oh god, you're so wonderful! Hee! Please get a pic of the recipient's face upon discovery, please! :)
What size are they? I need to know if I should enter the photo group. :)
Stunned, just stunned. They are as hideous as I had imagined they would be but in a curious kind of way, like a train wreck. lol
Pics of the unsuspecting victim are a must!
They're hideous and I love them! But are these really adult sized? You'll have to post a picture of your cousin wearing them.
Wow...I can't stop laughing..Good job...but whoa..very interesting, I sure won't be a wearing em! ;-)
that just might be the ugliest knit item i have ever seen. i bow to you.
the furry pockets are definitely my favorite part.
OMG! They are so fugly cool... WOW!!!! You should be VERY proud DO!
LOL! Those are truly a work of art. I can't wait to see them modeled! Your perserverance in finishing these is to be admired.
Those leave me without words. Thank you!
I bow before you--they are simply too stunning for words.
Wow. Just... wow. There are no other words. There is no way the recipient will ever be able to top those for sheer jaw-dropping ugly- ill-advised-ness!
You are now my hero. No, really. These are incredible.
The fur trim just takes this to a whole new level of nasty such that I can only admire it. Someone has been naughty indeed.
It's amazing how something can be so hideous and yet I can't look away.
Holy Crap... I... Well... Oh my.
Will you ever be the same again?
O.K. I have officially seen it all. Don't even show me another thing. Nope. Won't look. Can't make me.
The sad thing is, if you were to send the pattern to Lion they'd be all over it like a wino on a dime.
Hell, I just realised this was a "real" pattern from Knit.1. So it was designed by a wino from Lion then?
Still nightmarishly impressive. Can't wait to see somebody wearing the damned thing!