Wednesday, July 25, 2007

I love Tiger Balm.

I have been absent because I now coach 5-7 year olds at flag football. It may kill me. Not from the stress like I thought but from the fact that I have to demonstrate all the drills to the kids. Sometimes several times. Until Monday I don't think I'd ever done lunges IN MY LIFE yet there I was doing lunges for 15 yards and then back 15 yards WITH EACH KID. My legs hurt. The third quarter earnings of Tiger Balm, Advil, and Kleenex will skyrocket thanks to me. I hate it. I don't want to coach football. I want someone to come up to me and say, "Hey there, thanks but I know what I'm doing and I'd like to take over." Oh, how I would thank that unnamed stranger.

Cpurl has tagged me with the first meme I can't respond to in kind. The challenge was to show off where you keep your handknit socks. Though I have knit at least 5 pair of socks I don't actually have any. I give them away. Mostly to my son who loves handknit socks and requests them for his birthday every year. So I guess, I keep my handknit socks on my blog since it has all the photos of my long gone knits.

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Comments on "I love Tiger Balm."


Blogger Bezzie said ... (7/26/2007 7:40 AM) : 

Holy crap. You've got more determination than I do. Coaching little kids? In anything? Yikes.
You're one cool mom!


Blogger Rain said ... (7/26/2007 11:32 AM) : 

Ha ha, just think of the good it will do you - and them. They'll remember you forever (although that might not be a good thing...)


Blogger Zonda said ... (7/26/2007 8:40 PM) : 

Yikes!! Reminds me of when I was a Cubscout leader...I didn't like it either! Go you though..ouch...poor you!


Blogger Batty said ... (7/27/2007 6:12 PM) : 

Wow, you're trying to keep up with kids? I remember taking long walks with my parents and my sister when she was little, and she'd be running back and forth and sideways and cover several times the distance we walked. You'll be in such good shape so quickly!


Blogger Mag said ... (8/10/2007 9:32 AM) : 

Read in Mr. Mackey's voice, "Lunges are baaad, so don't do lunges. They're baaad. Mmmkay?"


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